Demo_Dimuon_mass_spectrum.ipynb Open in SWAN Download

Histogram of the Dimuon Mass Spectrum

This implements the dimuon mass spectrum analysis, a "Hello World!" example for data analysis in High Energy Physics. It is intended as a technology demonstrator for the use Apache Spark for High Energy Physics.

The workload and data:

Author and contact:
January, 2022

Dimuon mass spectrum calculation with Spark DataFrame API

In [ ]:
# Local mode: run this when using CERN SWAN not connected to a cluster 
#             or run it on a private Jupyter notebook instance
#             Dependency: PySpark (use SWAN or pip install pyspark)
# For CERN users: when using CERN SWAN connected to a cluster (analytix or cloud resources)
#                 do not run this but rather click on the (star) button

# Start the Spark Session
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
spark = (SparkSession.builder
         .appName("dimuon mass")
         .config("spark.driver.memory", "2g")
         .config("spark.sql.parquet.enableNestedColumnVectorizedReader", "true")
         .config("spark.ui.showConsoleProgress", "false")
In [2]:

SparkSession - in-memory


Spark UI

dimuon mass
In [3]:
# Read data with the muon candidate events
# Further details of the available datasets at

# If you don't have access to CERN resources
# Download the data (2 GB) if not yet available locally
# ! wget

# Use this path to data when running from SWAN and/or CERN machines with eos mounted
# this will work on CERN Swan when not connected to Spark cluster
path = "/eos/project/s/sparkdltrigger/public/"

# Use this when attached to the analytix Spark cluster at CERN
# path = "hdfs://analytix//project/spark/HEP/"

# Use this with the Hadoop XRootD connector reading from EOS
# it is configured when using the cluster "Spark on K8S" at CERN
# path = "root://"

data = "Run2012BC_DoubleMuParked_Muons.parquet"

df_muons = + data)

print(f"Number of events: {df_muons.count()}")
 |-- nMuon: long (nullable = true)
 |-- Muon_pt: array (nullable = true)
 |    |-- element: float (containsNull = true)
 |-- Muon_eta: array (nullable = true)
 |    |-- element: float (containsNull = true)
 |-- Muon_phi: array (nullable = true)
 |    |-- element: float (containsNull = true)
 |-- Muon_mass: array (nullable = true)
 |    |-- element: float (containsNull = true)
 |-- Muon_charge: array (nullable = true)
 |    |-- element: integer (containsNull = true)

Number of events: 61540413
In [4]:
nMuon Muon_pt Muon_eta Muon_phi Muon_mass Muon_charge
0 2 [10.763696670532227, 15.736522674560547] [1.0668272972106934, -0.563786506652832] [-0.03427272289991379, 2.5426154136657715] [0.10565836727619171, 0.10565836727619171] [-1, -1]
1 2 [10.538490295410156, 16.327096939086914] [-0.42778006196022034, 0.34922507405281067] [-0.2747921049594879, 2.539781332015991] [0.10565836727619171, 0.10565836727619171] [1, -1]
2 1 [3.2753264904022217] [2.210855484008789] [-1.2234135866165161] [0.10565836727619171] [1]
3 4 [11.429154396057129, 17.634033203125, 9.624728... [-1.5882395505905151, -1.7511844635009766, -1.... [-2.0773041248321533, 0.25135836005210876, -2.... [0.10565836727619171, 0.10565836727619171, 0.1... [1, 1, 1, 1]
4 4 [3.2834417819976807, 3.64400577545166, 32.9112... [-2.1724836826324463, -2.18253493309021, -1.12... [-2.3700082302093506, -2.3051390647888184, -0.... [0.10565836727619171, 0.10565836727619171, 0.1... [-1, -1, 1, 1]
5 3 [3.566528081893921, 4.572504043579102, 4.37186... [-1.371932029724121, -0.703264594078064, -1.03... [-2.9090449810028076, 2.4552080631256104, -3.0... [0.10565836727619171, 0.10565836727619171, 0.1... [-1, 1, -1]
6 2 [57.6067008972168, 53.04507827758789] [-0.5320892930030823, -1.0041686296463013] [-0.07179804146289825, 3.089515209197998] [0.10565836727619171, 0.10565836727619171] [-1, 1]
7 2 [11.31967544555664, 23.906352996826172] [-0.7716585397720337, -0.700996994972229] [-2.2452728748321533, -2.1809616088867188] [0.10565836727619171, 0.10565836727619171] [1, -1]
8 2 [10.19356918334961, 14.204060554504395] [0.4418068528175354, 0.7021172642707825] [0.6778520345687866, -2.0344009399414062] [0.10565836727619171, 0.10565836727619171] [-1, 1]
9 2 [11.470704078674316, 3.4690065383911133] [2.3417420387268066, 2.3523731231689453] [3.1309704780578613, 3.0211737155914307] [0.10565836727619171, 0.10565836727619171] [-1, 1]
In [5]:
# Apply filters to the input data
# - select only events with 2 muons
# - select only events where the 2 muons have opposite charge

df_muons = df_muons.filter("nMuon == 2").filter("Muon_charge[0] != Muon_charge[1]")
In [6]:
# This computes the 4-vectors sum for the 2 moun system
# using formulas from special relativity, in the limit E >> muons rest mass
# see also
# and

df_with_dimuonmass = df_muons.selectExpr("""
     sqrt(2 * Muon_pt[0] * Muon_pt[1] * 
             ( cosh(Muon_eta[0] - Muon_eta[1]) - cos(Muon_phi[0] - Muon_phi[1]) )
         ) as Dimuon_mass""")
In [7]:
# Compute the histogram of dimuon mass values
# The Spark function "width_bucket" is used to generate the histogram bucket number
# a groupBy operation with count is used to fill the histogram
# The result is a histogram with bins value and counts foreach bin (N_events)

min_val = 0.25
max_val = 300
num_bins = 30000
step = (max_val - min_val) / num_bins

histogram_data = ( 
        .selectExpr(f"width_bucket(Dimuon_mass, {min_val}, {max_val}, {num_bins}) as bucket") 

# convert bucket number to the corresponding dimoun mass value
histogram_data = histogram_data.selectExpr(f"round({min_val} + (bucket - 1) * {step},2) as value", "count as N_events")
In [ ]:
# The action toPandas() here triggers the computation.
# Histogram data is fetched into the driver as a Pandas Dataframe.

%time histogram_data_pandas=histogram_data.toPandas()
In [9]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt'seaborn-darkgrid')
plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 20, 'figure.figsize': [14,10]})

f, ax = plt.subplots()

# cut the first and last bin
x = histogram_data_pandas.iloc[1:-1]["value"]
y = histogram_data_pandas.iloc[1:-1]["N_events"]

# line plot
ax.plot(x, y, '-')

# the plot is in log-log axis to better show the peaks
ax.set_xlim(min_val, max_val)
#ax.set_ylim(1, 6e5)

ax.set_xlabel('$m_{dimuon}$ (GeV)')
ax.set_ylabel('Number of Events')
ax.set_title("Distribution of the Dimuon Mass Spectrum")

# Label for the resonances spectrum peaks
txt_opts = {'horizontalalignment': 'center',
            'verticalalignment': 'center',
            'transform': ax.transAxes}

plt.text(0.85, 0.75, 'Z', **txt_opts)
plt.text(0.55, 0.77, r"$\Upsilon$(1,2,3S)", **txt_opts)
plt.text(0.37, 0.95, r"J/$\Psi$", **txt_opts)
plt.text(0.40, 0.77, r"$\Psi$'", **txt_opts)
plt.text(0.22, 0.80, r"$\phi$", **txt_opts)
plt.text(0.16, 0.83, r"$\rho,\omega$", **txt_opts)
plt.text(0.11, 0.78, r"$\eta$", **txt_opts);
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