The idea of this notebook¶
- demonstrate longitudinal matching of distribution types to arbitrary radio frequency (RF) buckets for a given
- RMS bunch length $\sigma_z^{RMS}$
- longitudinal emittance $\epsilon_z$ (corresponding to 4x RMS emittance in thermal case)
- present different available distribution types (and how any new distribution type $\psi(\mathcal{H})$ can easily be implemented):
- thermal (Gaussian-like)
- $q$-Gaussian (for $q=3/5$, distribution encountered e.g. after LHC longitudinal blow-up)
- parabolic
- waterbag
- explain the impact of different moment integrators for non-smooth distribution types (such as e.g. the waterbag)
- show PyHEADTAIL's flexibility and simplicity for matching more complex RF buckets
notebook created by Adrian Oeftiger
general imports¶
from __future__ import division, print_function
import numpy as np
from scipy.constants import m_p, c, e
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import cm
%matplotlib inline
# sets the PyHEADTAIL directory etc.
from settings import *
PyHEADTAIL imports¶
from PyHEADTAIL.particles.generators import RFBucketMatcher
from PyHEADTAIL.trackers.rf_bucket import RFBucket
Settings and Helper Functions¶
We create a single harmonic RFBucket (parameters are comparable to the CERN Proton Synchrotron injection plateau) to play with. A short bunch length of $4\sigma_\tau = 140$ ns equivalent to a longitudinal emittance of $\epsilon_z=0.764$ eVs will be used for the matching:
rfb = RFBucket(100*2*np.pi, 2.5, m_p, e, [0.027], 0., [8], [24e3], [np.pi])
sigma_z = 140e-9*0.91*c/4. # in [m]
epsn_z = 0.764 # in [eVs]
def plot(stat_dist_class, rfb=rfb, sigma_z=sigma_z, H0=None):
'''Plot properties of stationary distribution class stat_dist_class
for the given RF bucket and the bunch length (used for the guessed
distribution Hamiltonian limit H0).
- stat_dist_class: Stationary Distribution class
(e.g. rfbucket_matching.ThermalDistribution)
- rfb: RFBucket instance
- sigma_z: bunch length to be matched
z_sfp = np.atleast_1d(rfb.z_sfp)
H_sfp = rfb.hamiltonian(z_sfp, 0, make_convex=True)
Hmax = max(H_sfp)
stat_exp = stat_dist_class(
lambda *args: rfb.hamiltonian(*args, make_convex=True), #always convex Hamiltonian
except TypeError:
stat_exp = stat_dist_class
if H0:
stat_exp.H0 = H0
stat_exp.H0 = rfb.guess_H0(sigma_z, from_variable='sigma')
dpmax = rfb.dp_max(rfb.z_ufp_separatrix)
zz = np.linspace(rfb.z_left, rfb.z_right, num=1000)
Z, DP = np.meshgrid(zz, np.linspace(-dpmax*1.1, dpmax*1.1, num=500))
fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(12, 8))[0, 0])
plt.title('phase space distribution', fontsize=20)
plt.contourf(Z, DP, stat_exp.function(Z, DP), 20, cmap=cm.hot_r)
plt.colorbar().set_label(r'$\psi(z, \delta)$', fontsize=20)
plt.plot(zz, rfb.separatrix(zz), c='purple', lw=2)
plt.plot(zz, -rfb.separatrix(zz), c='purple', lw=2)
plt.xlabel(r'$z$', fontsize=20)
plt.ylabel(r'$\delta$', fontsize=20)[0, 1])
plt.title('Hamiltonian contours', fontsize=20)
plt.contourf(Z, DP, stat_exp.H(Z, DP), 20, cmap=cm.coolwarm)
plt.colorbar().set_label(r'$\mathcal{H}(z,\delta)$', fontsize=20)
plt.plot(zz, rfb.separatrix(zz), c='purple', lw=2)
plt.plot(zz, -rfb.separatrix(zz), c='purple', lw=2)
plt.xlabel(r'$z$', fontsize=20)
plt.ylabel(r'$\delta$', fontsize=20)[1, 0])
plt.title('line density', fontsize=20)
plt.plot(zz, np.sum(stat_exp.function(Z, DP), axis=0), antialiased=False)
plt.xlabel(r'$z$', fontsize=20)
plt.ylabel(r'$\lambda(z) = \int\; d\delta \; \psi(z, \delta)$', fontsize=20)[1, 1])
plt.title('Hamiltonian distribution', fontsize=20)
hhs = stat_exp.H(Z, DP).ravel()
counts = stat_exp.function(Z, DP).ravel()
perm = np.argsort(hhs)
plt.plot(hhs[perm], counts[perm])
plt.xlabel(r'$\mathcal{H}$', fontsize=20)
plt.ylabel(r'$\psi(\mathcal{H})$', fontsize=20)
plt.ylim(-0.1, 1.1)
plt.axvline(0, *plt.ylim(), color='purple', lw=2)
plt.text(plt.xlim()[0]/15., np.mean(plt.ylim()), 'separatrix', color='purple', rotation=90)
return fig
def plot_mp(z, dp, rfb=rfb):
dpmax = rfb.dp_max(rfb.z_ufp_separatrix)
zz = np.linspace(rfb.z_left, rfb.z_right, num=1000)
Z, DP = np.meshgrid(zz, np.linspace(-dpmax*1.1, dpmax*1.1, num=100))
H = rfb.hamiltonian(Z, DP)
plt.contour(Z, DP, H, 20, cmap=cm.coolwarm_r)
# plt.scatter(z, dp, alpha=0.6)
my_cmap = cm.hot_r
plt.hist2d(z, dp, bins=40, cmap=my_cmap)
plt.plot(zz, rfb.separatrix(zz), c='purple', lw=2)
plt.plot(zz, -rfb.separatrix(zz), c='purple', lw=2)
plt.xlim(rfb.z_left, rfb.z_right)
plt.ylim(-dpmax*1.1, dpmax*1.1)
plt.colorbar().set_label('# macro-particles', fontsize=20)
plt.xlabel(r'$z$', fontsize=20)
plt.ylabel(r'$\delta$', fontsize=20)
plt.title('macro-particle generation', fontsize=20)
return zz, Z, DP
Let's go¶
A. Implemented Distribution Types in PyHEADTAIL¶
Any distribution $\psi=\psi(\mathcal{H})$ depending on the Hamiltonian of the entire system is stationary or "matched". The RF bucket's shape determines the Hamiltonian landscape $\mathcal{H}$, which is separate from the distribution function $\psi$ determining how many particles are sitting at certain Hamiltonian values. A certain (e.g. single harmonic) RF bucket can thus be filled with different distribution types. The ones implemented in PyHEADTAIL are presented in the following.
1. Thermal (Gaussian-like) Distribution¶
The thermal Boltzmann distribution $\psi(\mathcal{H}) \propto \exp(-\mathcal{H}/\mathcal{H}_0)$ is an often used longitudinal distribution type and is the default for PyHEADTAIL's RFBucket
matching. In a linear "bucket" (i.e. in the quadratic harmonic oscillator Hamiltonian case) the thermal distribution yields a bi-Gaussian macro-particle distribution.
In the following plots you can see the previously defined single-harmonic RF bucket with
- top left: the analytical $(z, \delta=\frac{p-p_0}{p_0}|_{RMS})$ phase space distribution function for a bunch length of $140$ ns within the purple separatrices: the darker the distribution colour, the denser the probability distribution function;
- top right: the Hamiltonian geometry and the separatrix value at $\mathcal{H}=0$ according to PyHEADTAIL's convention -- note that PyHEADTAIL inverts the RF Hamiltonian to have positive values inside the separatrix and negative values outside. The corresponding internal coordinate transformation follows $\mathcal{H}\mapsto \mathcal{H}_{separatrix} - \mathcal{H}$ (simplifying the particle generation);
- bottom left: the spatial projection of the phase space distribution yielding the line density (in arbitrary units);
- bottom right: the distribution function in terms of the Hamiltonian in PyHEADTAIL's convention. Note that the distribution function vanishes outside the separatrix, $\psi(\mathcal{H}\leq 0) \equiv 0$.
For the ThermalDistribution
, the distribution function is non-zero within the entire RF bucket area and particles can become generated everywhere but with an exponentially increasing probability in the centre of the single harmonic bucket.
from PyHEADTAIL.particles.rfbucket_matching import ThermalDistribution
We can now use the RFBucketMatcher
with the sigma_z
keyword argument to
- semi-analytically compute the $\mathcal{H}_0$ value of the
which provides the chosen bunch length of $\sigma_z^{RMS} = 140$ ns, and - generate $10^5$ randomly distributed macro-particle locations in $(z,\delta)$ phase space, which follow the thermal distribution function:
rfb_matcher = RFBucketMatcher(rfb, ThermalDistribution, sigma_z=sigma_z)
rfb_matcher_thermal = rfb_matcher
z, dp, _, _ = rfb_matcher.generate(int(1e5))
In the same way, we can specify a target longitudinal emittance to which the RFBucketMatcher
should converge by providing the epsn_z
keyword argument instead of sigma_z
rfb_matcher = RFBucketMatcher(rfb, ThermalDistribution, epsn_z=epsn_z)
z, dp, _, _ = rfb_matcher.generate(int(1e5))
The Monte-Carlo generated random numbers for the phase space location of the macro-particles indeed show a (slightly noisy) thermal distribution:
zz, Z, DP = plot_mp(z, dp)
If you specify a too large target value for either sigma_z
or epsn_z
, the RFBucketMatcher
will discard your choice and automatically choose the largest possible value:
rfb_matcher = RFBucketMatcher(rfb, ThermalDistribution, sigma_z=float(np.diff(rfb.interval)))
z, dp, _, _ = rfb_matcher.generate(int(1e5))
It is interesting to observe the influence of the RF bucket non-linearities onto the matched distribution here. The stationary ThermalDistribution
slightly differs from a Gaussian: the increasing non-linearities towards the separatrix suppress the probability distribution function compared to an exact Gaussian around the tails. Correspondingly, the profile widens overall to reach the specified RMS bunch length. Comparing to an exact Gaussian profile of the same $\sigma_z^{RMS}$, this effect renders the matched stationary thermal distribution wider around the core and suppresses the tails (which reach zero at the unstable fix point of the RF bucket anyway while the exact Gaussian would reach infinity):
analytical_res = np.sum(rfb_matcher.psi_object.function(Z, DP), axis=0)
n, _, _ = plt.hist(z, bins=40, label='macro-particles')
plt.plot(zz, analytical_res * n.max() / analytical_res.max(),
antialiased=False, color='red', alpha=0.6, lw=2,
label='analytic thermal')
sz = rfb_matcher._compute_sigma(rfb, rfb_matcher.psi)
plt.plot(zz, np.exp(-zz**2/(2*sz**2)) * n.max(),
antialiased=False, color='lightgreen', alpha=0.9, lw=2, ls='--',
label='exact Gauss')
plt.xlim(-40, 50)
plt.ylim(0, 7000)
legend = plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.03, 1), title=r'equal $\sigma_z^{RMS}$:');
plt.setp(legend.get_title(), fontsize=20)
plt.xlabel(r'$z$', fontsize=20)
plt.ylabel('histogram [n_mp]', fontsize=20);
2. $q$-Gaussian Distribution¶
The QGaussianDistribution
for $q=3/5$ follows $\psi(\mathcal{H}) \propto (1 - \mathcal{H}/\mathcal{H}_0)^2$ and resembles the profiles measured after the longitudinal blow-up in the LHC. The line density is wider around the core and features less far-reaching tails compared to the ThermalDistribution
The distribution function reaches zero already within the bucket area at finite distance to the separatrix, as the lower right plot shows:
from PyHEADTAIL.particles.rfbucket_matching import QGaussianDistribution
plot(QGaussianDistribution, H0=122.135628109);
The iterative matching runs slower for the QGaussianDistribution
when the default moment integrator is used: the "quad" integrator from PyHEADTAIL.cobra_functions.pdf_integrators_2d
is based on the iteratively refining scipy.integrate.dblquad
function allowing for very accurate 2D integrals. The drawback of this integrator is bad convergency for non-smooth integrands, which is the case for our clipped distribution function (the derivative $\partial\psi/\partial\mathcal{H}$ is discontinuous).
We can speed up the semi-analytic $\mathcal{H}_0$ computation by using the non-refining "cumtrapz" integrator (which is less accurate than "quad" but still very good and, most of all, insensitive to discontinuities). This can be achieved by changing RFBucketMatcher.integrationmethod
from "quad" to "cumtrapz":
rfb_matcher = RFBucketMatcher(rfb, QGaussianDistribution, sigma_z=sigma_z)
rfb_matcher_qGauss = rfb_matcher
rfb_matcher.integrationmethod = 'cumtrapz'
z, dp, _, _ = rfb_matcher.generate(int(1e5))
z_s, dp_s = z, dp
Again, obviously we can also match for the longitudinal emittance instead of the bunch length:
rfb_matcher = RFBucketMatcher(rfb, QGaussianDistribution, epsn_z=epsn_z)
rfb_matcher.integrationmethod = 'cumtrapz'
z, dp, _, _ = rfb_matcher.generate(int(1e5))
Due to the different distribution type, the relation between the matched RMS bunch length and the longitudinal emittance changes for non-linear RF buckets, which is why the two parameters vary between the above two matching approaches.
The attentive reader may have noticed that we specified a H0
value for the above analytical plots. To reach the same bunch length as the ThermalDistribution
, the corresponding H0
value is quite different (a detail of minor importance):
print ("thermal H0:", rfb_matcher_thermal.psi_object.H0)
print ("q-Gaussian H0:", rfb_matcher_qGauss.psi_object.H0)
print ("for the same bunch length",
rfb, rfb_matcher_thermal.psi_object),
"(thermal) vs. ",
rfb, rfb_matcher_qGauss.psi_object),
zz, Z, DP = plot_mp(z, dp)
Comparing to the ThermalDistribution
matched to the same bunch length $\sigma_z^{RMS}$ from above, the generated macro-particles following the QGaussianDistribution
form a line density with a clearly wider core while the tails vanish to zero earlier:
analytical_res = np.sum(rfb_matcher_qGauss.psi_object.function(Z, DP), axis=0)
analytical_res_thermal = np.sum(rfb_matcher_thermal.psi_object.function(Z, DP), axis=0)
n, _, _ = plt.hist(z_s, bins=36, label='macro-particles')
plt.plot(zz, analytical_res * n.max() / analytical_res.max(),
antialiased=False, color='red', alpha=0.6, lw=2,
label='analytic q-Gauss')
plt.plot(zz, analytical_res_thermal * n.max() / analytical_res_thermal.max(),
antialiased=False, color='lightgreen', alpha=0.9, lw=2, ls='--',
label='analytic thermal')
plt.xlim(-40, 50)
legend = plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.03, 1), title=r'equal $\sigma_z^{RMS}$:');
plt.setp(legend.get_title(), fontsize=20)
plt.xlabel(r'$z$', fontsize=20)
plt.ylabel('histogram [n_mp]', fontsize=20)
3. Parabolic Bunch Shape¶
The ParabolicDistribution
implements the probability distribution function $\psi(\mathcal{H})\propto \sqrt{1 - \mathcal{H}/\mathcal{H}_0}$. The spatial profile corresponds to a parabolic shape in the case of a "linear" RF bucket (the quadratic harmonic oscillator Hamiltonian). For a truly non-linear bucket, the matched parabolic distribution becomes a bit wider compensating for the non-linearities of the bucket, as one can see in the lower left plot:
from PyHEADTAIL.particles.rfbucket_matching import ParabolicDistribution
fig = plot(ParabolicDistribution, H0=79.8);[2])
zz = np.linspace(*rfb.interval, num=100)
plt.plot(zz, (276 - 0.72*zz**2).clip(min=0), color='red', lw=2, ls='--')
plt.legend(['analytic', 'exact parabolic'], loc=8);
Note the sharp discontinuity in the lower right plot above at the Hamiltonian value where the probability distribution function $\psi(\mathcal{H})$ is clipped to zero. Therefore, for the RF bucket matching, the "cumtrapz" integrator comes in handy again (similarly to the above QGaussianDistribution
matching, otherwise the default "quad" integrator literally takes ages):
rfb_matcher = RFBucketMatcher(rfb, ParabolicDistribution, sigma_z=sigma_z)
rfb_matcher.integrationmethod = 'cumtrapz'
z, dp, _, _ = rfb_matcher.generate(int(1e5))
The phase space distribution of the macro-particles already looks quite different from the previous cases:
zz, Z, DP = plot_mp(z, dp)
... and the line density in terms of the spatial macro-particles histogram looks beautifully parabolic-like:
analytical_res = np.sum(rfb_matcher.psi_object.function(Z, DP), axis=0)
n, _, _ = plt.hist(z, bins=40, label='macro-particles')
plt.plot(zz, analytical_res * n.max() / analytical_res.max(),
antialiased=False, color='red', alpha=0.6, lw=2,
plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.03, 1));
4. Waterbag¶
Last but not least, the WaterbagDistribution
is a useful distribution when benchmark with analytical results. The distribution function reads $\psi(\mathcal{H})\propto \Theta(\mathcal{H}_0 - \mathcal{H})$ with $\Theta$ the Heaviside step function.
from PyHEADTAIL.particles.rfbucket_matching import WaterbagDistribution
plot(WaterbagDistribution, H0=65.2);
The shape of the WaterbagDistribution
becomes particularly beautiful when being matched to a large bunch length, such that the edge of the non-zero distribution function patch assumes the shape of the RF bucket separatrix. Observe the deforming along the Hamiltonian contours close to the unstable fix points:
plot(WaterbagDistribution, sigma_z=1.8*sigma_z);
The waterbag distribution function is discontinuous at $\mathcal{H}_0$ making the use of the "quad" integrator impossible. Here, changing to the "cumtrapz" integrator is a necessary ingredient to successfully compute the distribution momenta for the RFBucketMatcher
rfb_matcher = RFBucketMatcher(rfb, WaterbagDistribution, sigma_z=sigma_z)
rfb_matcher.integrationmethod = 'cumtrapz'
z, dp, _, _ = rfb_matcher.generate(int(1e5))
Indeed, the generated macro-particles form a uniform patch in longitudinal phase space (up to statistical noise):
plot_mp(z, dp);
B. More Complex RF Buckets? Let's go!¶
So far we have always matched the different distribution types to a single harmonic bucket. In principle, we simply need to provide a different RFBucket instance to match the same distribution type to a different RF bucket. Let's try something more fancy in an accelerating double harmonic bucket:
rfb2 = RFBucket(100*2*np.pi, 2.5, m_p, e, [0.027], 1e-24, [8, 16], [24e3, 20e3], [np.pi, 0])
1. Thermal Distribution in Accelerating Double Harmonic Bucket¶
plot(ThermalDistribution, rfb=rfb2, H0=16);
Compared to the single harmonic case, we just have to use the new RFBucket instance rfb2
and plug it into the RFBucketMatcher, which will do the rest:
rfb_matcher = RFBucketMatcher(rfb2, ThermalDistribution, sigma_z=1.2*sigma_z)
z, dp, _, _ = rfb_matcher.generate(int(1e5))
Compare the macro-particle distribution below to the analytic distribution function above:
plot_mp(z, dp, rfb=rfb2);
2. $q$-Gaussian Distribution in Accelerating Double Harmonic Bucket¶
plot(QGaussianDistribution, rfb=rfb2, H0=76);
We can also match with respect to the longitudinal emittance again:
rfb_matcher = RFBucketMatcher(rfb2, QGaussianDistribution, epsn_z=epsn_z)
rfb_matcher.integrationmethod = 'cumtrapz'
z, dp, _, _ = rfb_matcher.generate(int(1e5))
plot_mp(z, dp, rfb=rfb2);
3. Parabolic Distribution in Accelerating Double Harmonic Bucket¶
plot(ParabolicDistribution, rfb=rfb2, H0=47.7);
rfb_matcher = RFBucketMatcher(rfb2, ParabolicDistribution, epsn_z=epsn_z)
rfb_matcher.integrationmethod = 'cumtrapz'
z, dp, _, _ = rfb_matcher.generate(int(1e5))
plot_mp(z, dp, rfb=rfb2);
4. Waterbag Distribution in Accelerating Double Harmonic Bucket¶
plot(WaterbagDistribution, rfb=rfb2, H0=16.7);
rfb_matcher = RFBucketMatcher(rfb2, WaterbagDistribution, epsn_z=0.5*epsn_z)
rfb_matcher.integrationmethod = 'cumtrapz'
z, dp, _, _ = rfb_matcher.generate(int(1e5))
Aaaand voilà, the beautifully peanut-shaped waterbag distribution matched to the Hamiltonian topology! Note how the edge of the waterbag patch resembles the Hamiltonian contours:
plot_mp(z, dp, rfb=rfb2);