Things tested
- Instantiation of a TransverseMap (and therewith of several TransverseSegmentMaps as we have more than 1 segment).
- With and without detuners, i.e. instantiation of Chromaticity and AmplitudeDetuning DetunerCollections as well as the corresponding SegmentDetuners.
- Are betatron tunes Q_{x,y} and detuning strengths correctly scaled to segment lengths?
- TransverseSegmentMap.track(beam) method.
- Check spectrum of beam centroid motion.
- Betatron tune (implicitly checks the scaling to segment lengths)
- If chromaticity and linear synchro motion are on: synchrotron sidebands?
- If amplitude detuning is on and there is initial kick: decoherence?
- Does dispersion work correctly?
- Is exception risen when s[0] != 0 or s[-1] != C?
- Get optics at injection.
general imports¶
from __future__ import division, print_function
import pprint
import numpy as np
from scipy.constants import m_p, c, e
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
# sets the PyHEADTAIL directory etc.
from settings import *
PyHEADTAIL imports¶
from PyHEADTAIL.trackers.transverse_tracking import TransverseMap
from PyHEADTAIL.trackers.detuners import Chromaticity, AmplitudeDetuning
from PyHEADTAIL.trackers.longitudinal_tracking import LinearMap
from PyHEADTAIL.particles.particles import Particles
import PyHEADTAIL.particles.generators as generators
Setting up the machine and functions¶
# Basic parameters.
n_turns = 500
n_segments = 5
n_macroparticles = 500
Q_x = 64.28
Q_y = 59.31
Q_s = 0.0020443
C = 26658.883
R = C / (2.*np.pi)
alpha_0 = [0.0003225]
def plot_data(sigma_z, mean, Q, Qs):
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 16))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(311)
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(312)
ax3 = fig.add_subplot(313)
ax1.plot(mean, '-', c='b')
#ax1.plot(mean_y, '-', c='r')
ax1.set_ylabel('mean [m]')
ax2.plot(sigma_z, '-', c='b')
ax2.set_ylabel('sigma_z [m]')
fr_x, ax_x = my_fft(mean)
markerline, stemlines, baseline = ax3.stem(fr_x, ax_x, label=r'bunch spectrum')
plt.setp(baseline, 'color','b', 'linewidth', 2)
ax3.axvline(Q%1, color='r', label='transverse main tune')
ax3.axvline(Q%1 - Qs, color='g', linestyle='dashed', label=r'1st synchrotron sidebands')
ax3.axvline(Q%1 + Qs, color='g', linestyle='dashed')
handles, labels = ax3.get_legend_handles_labels()
ax3.legend(handles, labels, loc='upper left')
ax3.set_xlim((0.25, 0.32))
def track_n_save(bunch, map_):
mean_x = np.empty(n_turns)
mean_y = np.empty(n_turns)
sigma_z = np.empty(n_turns)
for i in xrange(n_turns):
mean_x[i] = bunch.mean_x()
mean_y[i] = bunch.mean_y()
sigma_z[i] = bunch.sigma_z()
for m_ in map_:
return mean_x, mean_y, sigma_z
def copy_bunch(bunch_source, bunch_target):
bunch_target.x = bunch_source.x.copy()
bunch_target.xp = bunch_source.xp.copy()
bunch_target.y = bunch_source.y.copy()
bunch_target.yp = bunch_source.yp.copy()
bunch_target.z = bunch_source.z.copy()
bunch_target.dp = bunch_source.dp.copy()
def my_fft(data):
t = np.arange(len(data))
fft = np.fft.rfft(data)
fft_freq = np.fft.rfftfreq(t.shape[-1])
return fft_freq, np.abs(fft.real)
def generate_bunch(n_macroparticles, alpha_x, alpha_y, beta_x, beta_y, linear_map):
intensity = 1.05e11
sigma_z = 0.059958
gamma = 3730.26
gamma_t = 1. / np.sqrt(alpha_0)
p0 = np.sqrt(gamma**2 - 1) * m_p * c
beta_z = (linear_map.eta(dp=0, gamma=gamma) * linear_map.circumference /
(2 * np.pi * linear_map.Q_s))
epsn_x = 3.75e-6 # [m rad]
epsn_y = 3.75e-6 # [m rad]
epsn_z = 4 * np.pi * sigma_z**2 * p0 / (beta_z * e)
bunch = generators.generate_Gaussian6DTwiss(
macroparticlenumber=n_macroparticles, intensity=intensity, charge=e,
gamma=gamma, mass=m_p, circumference=C,
alpha_x=alpha_x, beta_x=beta_x, epsn_x=epsn_x,
alpha_y=alpha_y, beta_y=beta_y, epsn_y=epsn_y,
beta_z=beta_z, epsn_z=epsn_z)
return bunch
def gimme(D_x=None, D_y=None, *args, **kwargs):
# Parameters for transverse map.
s = np.arange(0, n_segments + 1) * C / n_segments
alpha_x_inj = 0.
alpha_y_inj = 0.
beta_x_inj = 66.0064
beta_y_inj = 71.5376
alpha_x = alpha_x_inj * np.ones(n_segments)
beta_x = beta_x_inj * np.ones(n_segments)
if D_x is None:
D_x = np.zeros(n_segments)
alpha_y = alpha_y_inj * np.ones(n_segments)
beta_y = beta_y_inj * np.ones(n_segments)
if D_y is None:
D_y = np.zeros(n_segments)
if 'detuners' in kwargs:
trans_map = TransverseMap(
s, alpha_x, beta_x, D_x, alpha_y, beta_y, D_y, Q_x, Q_y, kwargs['detuners'])
trans_map = TransverseMap(
s, alpha_x, beta_x, D_x, alpha_y, beta_y, D_y, Q_x, Q_y)
long_map = LinearMap(alpha_0, C, Q_s)
bunch = generate_bunch(
n_macroparticles, alpha_x_inj, alpha_y_inj, beta_x_inj, beta_y_inj,
return bunch, trans_map, long_map
Let's go¶
We start with pure transverse betatron tracking:
# Pure transverse tracking. Without detuners.
bunch, trans_map, _ = gimme()
map_ = trans_map
mean_x, mean_y, sigma_z = track_n_save(bunch, map_)
plot_data(sigma_z, mean_y, Q_y, Q_s)
Then one can add longitudinal linear synchrotron motion to the tracking:
# Without detuners. With linear synchrotron motion.
bunch, trans_map, long_map = gimme()
# This tests if TransverseMap is actually a sequence.
trans_one_turn = [m for m in trans_map]
map_ = trans_one_turn + [long_map]
mean_x, mean_y, sigma_z = track_n_save(bunch, map_)
plot_data(sigma_z, mean_x, Q_x, Q_s)
Now we add detuners to the transverse plane, starting with chromaticity. Since this couples the longitudinal and the transverse plane, we observe synchrotron side bands in the frequency analysis of the transverse motion:
# With chromaticity in horizontal and vertical. With linear synchrotron motion.
chroma = Chromaticity(Qp_x=6, Qp_y=10)
bunch, trans_map, long_map = gimme(detuners=(chroma,))
trans_one_turn = [m for m in trans_map]
map_ = trans_one_turn + [long_map]
mean_x, mean_y, sigma_z = track_n_save(bunch, map_)
plot_data(sigma_z, mean_y, Q_y, Q_s)
Transverse detuning with amplitude such as from octupole magnets can be included as another type of Detuner
. With an initial dipolar offset ("kick") in the transverse planes we can see decohering centroid motion:
# With amplitude detuning. With linear synchrotron motion. With initial kick.
ampl_det = AmplitudeDetuning.from_octupole_currents_LHC(i_focusing=200, i_defocusing=-200)
bunch, trans_map, long_map = gimme(detuners=(ampl_det,))
trans_one_turn = [m for m in trans_map]
map_ = trans_one_turn + [long_map]
# kick:
bunch.x += 0.0003
bunch.y += 0.0005
mean_x, mean_y, sigma_z = track_n_save(bunch, map_)
plot_data(sigma_z, mean_x, Q_x, Q_s)
We add both chromaticity and amplitude detuning to the tracking now:
# With amplitude detuning and chromaticity. With linear synchrotron motion. With initial kick.
ampl_det = AmplitudeDetuning.from_octupole_currents_LHC(i_focusing=200, i_defocusing=-200)
chroma = Chromaticity(Qp_x=10, Qp_y=6)
bunch, trans_map, long_map = gimme(detuners=(ampl_det, chroma))
trans_one_turn = [m for m in trans_map]
map_ = trans_one_turn + [long_map]
# kick:
bunch.x += 0.0003
bunch.y += 0.0005
mean_x, mean_y, sigma_z = track_n_save(bunch, map_)
plot_data(sigma_z, mean_x, Q_x, Q_s)
Dispersion effects from the dipoles can be included in the tracking via the dispersion functions $D_x$ and $D_y$. In PyHEADTAIL, dispersion is modelled ad-hoc by subtracting and adding the dispersive contribution for each particle before and after the betatron tracking in each segment:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14,10))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(311)
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(312, sharex=ax1)
ax3 = fig.add_subplot(313, sharex=ax1)
fig.suptitle('Single particle, dispersion')
n_turns = 2
n_segments = 5
# Initial bunch distro to be used with and without dispersion
# for direct comparison.
bunch_orig, _, _ = gimme()
# With dispersion.
D_x = np.zeros(n_segments)
D_y = np.zeros(n_segments)
D_x[1] = 4.5
D_y[3] = 2.3
D_x[2] = 4.5
D_y[4] = 2.3
bunch_wD, trans_map_wD, _ = gimme(D_x, D_y)
copy_bunch(bunch_orig, bunch_wD)
# Add dispersion (manually for now).
bunch_wD.x += D_x[0] * bunch_wD.dp
bunch_wD.y += D_y[0] * bunch_wD.dp
x_i_wD = np.zeros((n_segments*n_turns, n_macroparticles))
y_i_wD = np.zeros((n_segments*n_turns, n_macroparticles))
for j in xrange(n_segments*n_turns):
x_i_wD[j,:] = bunch_wD.x
y_i_wD[j,:] = bunch_wD.y
# Without dispersion.
bunch_woD, trans_map_woD, _ = gimme()
copy_bunch(bunch_orig, bunch_woD)
x_i_woD = np.zeros((n_segments*n_turns, n_macroparticles))
y_i_woD = np.zeros((n_segments*n_turns, n_macroparticles))
dp_i_woD = np.zeros((n_segments*n_turns, n_macroparticles))
for j in xrange(n_segments*n_turns):
x_i_woD[j,:] = bunch_woD.x
y_i_woD[j,:] = bunch_woD.y
dp_i_woD[j,:] = bunch_woD.dp
# Plot horizontal and vertical position of a single particle
# with and without dispersion.
kk = np.array(xrange(n_segments*n_turns))/float(n_segments)
wD1 = ax1.plot(kk, x_i_wD[:,0], 'b', label=r'$D_x \neq \, 0$')
woD1 = ax1.plot(kk, x_i_woD[:,0], 'g', label=r'$D_x = \, 0$')
wD2 = ax2.plot(kk, y_i_wD[:,0], 'b')
woD2 = ax2.plot(kk, y_i_woD[:,0], 'g')
for j in xrange(n_segments*n_turns):
jj = float(j)/(n_segments)
d_corr1, = ax1.plot(jj, x_i_woD[j,0] + dp_i_woD[j,0]*D_x[j%n_segments], '.r', ms=10)
d_corr2, = ax2.plot(jj, y_i_woD[j,0] + dp_i_woD[j,0]*D_y[j%n_segments], '.r', ms=10)
d_corr1.set_label('Corrected for D')
ax1.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.25, 1.04))
ax1.set_ylabel('Horizontal position [m]')
ax2.set_ylabel('Vertical position [m]')
# Plot dispersion functions.
kk = np.array(xrange(n_segments*n_turns))/float(n_segments)
ax3.plot(kk, np.tile(D_x, n_turns), 'b', label='$D_x$')
ax3.plot(kk, np.tile(D_y, n_turns), 'r', label='$D_y$')
ax3.set_ylabel('Dispersion [m]')
ax3.set_ylim(0., 1.2*max(np.amax(D_x), np.amax(D_y)))
ax3.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.12, 1.04))
The TransverseMap
consists of many segments represented by the TransverseSegmentMap
instances. The betatron phase advance as well as the detuners' action are distributed among the segments:
# Test how detuning parameters and betatron tunes are scaled
# for the TransverseSegmentMaps.
Qp_x = 8.
Qp_y = 10.
chroma = Chromaticity(Qp_x, Qp_y)
bunch, trans_map, _ = gimme(detuners=(chroma,))
i = 1
print ('Q_x:')
print (Q_x / float(n_segments))
print (trans_map[i].dQ_x)
print ('Q_y:')
print (Q_y / float(n_segments))
print (trans_map[i].dQ_y)
app_x = 20.
app_y = 12.
app_xy = 30.
ampl_det = AmplitudeDetuning(app_x, app_y, app_xy)
bunch, trans_map, _ = gimme(detuners=(ampl_det,))
print ('app_x:')
print (app_x / float(n_segments))
print (trans_map[i].segment_detuners[0].dapp_x)
print ('app_y:')
print (app_y / float(n_segments))
print (trans_map[i].segment_detuners[0].dapp_y)
print ('app_xy:')
print (app_xy / float(n_segments))
print (trans_map[i].segment_detuners[0].dapp_xy)
A TransverseMap
knows about the optics at its "injection" point, i.e. $s=0$:
# Test if optics at injection are correctly returned.
s = np.arange(0, n_segments + 1) * C / n_segments
alpha_x_inj = 0.
alpha_y_inj = 0.
beta_x_inj = 66.0064
beta_y_inj = 71.5376
alpha_x = alpha_x_inj * np.ones(n_segments)
beta_x = beta_x_inj * np.ones(n_segments)
alpha_y = alpha_y_inj * np.ones(n_segments)
beta_y = beta_y_inj * np.ones(n_segments)
trans_map = TransverseMap(
s, alpha_x, beta_x, D_x, alpha_y, beta_y, D_y, Q_x, Q_y)
inj_optics_dict = trans_map.get_injection_optics()
D_x, D_y