Space Charge on the GPU¶
PyHEADTAIL offers space charge models which are accelerated on graphics processing units (GPUs).
Space charge refers to the impact of the beam's self-fields on itself. In PyHEADTAIL, we model space charge by lumped kicks, which are applied after each tracking segment. The kicks correspond to the integrated space charge effect over the tracked segment's length.
In the present notebook we demonstrate the transverse defocussing effect of space charge and the corresponding tune spread for a Gaussian distribution.
In the first part of the notebook we use a fixed non-selfconsistent Gaussian field map: the actually tracked beam then moves like test particles through the correspondingly generated fields. In the second part we solve for the fields generated by the particle distribution, once for a Gaussian and once for an root-mean-square equivalent Kapchinskij-Vladimirskij distribution.
For a more in-depth discussion of the two methods, you may refer to .
Note that this tutorial requires a GPU with the NVIDIA CUDA
suite and the python package PyCUDA
installed (at least for the fields solving section).
All additional packages can be installed from .
-- 2018, Adrian Oeftiger
from __future__ import division, print_function
import numpy as np
from scipy.constants import c, epsilon_0, e, m_p
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
import h5py
from pycuda.autoinit import context
from pycuda import gpuarray as gp
import sys, os, shutil
from PyHEADTAIL.particles.slicing import UniformBinSlicer
from PyHEADTAIL.spacecharge.spacecharge import TransverseGaussianSpaceCharge
from PyHEADTAIL.spacecharge.pypic_factory import create_mesh, create_3dmesh_from_beam
from PyHEADTAIL.spacecharge.pypic_spacecharge import SpaceChargePIC
from PyHEADTAIL.monitors.monitors import ParticleMonitor
from PyHEADTAIL.general.printers import SilentPrinter
from PyHEADTAIL.general.contextmanager import CPU, GPU
contextmanager = CPU
from PyCERNmachines.CERNmachines import SPS
from PySussix import Sussix
import tunespread
import libtunespread
from tune_diagram import ResonanceLines
n_macroparticles = int(1e4)
n_slices_sc = 32
intensity = 1.3e11
epsn_x = epsn_y = 2e-6 # in [m.rad]
sigma_z = 0.23 # in [m]
def make_machine(n_segments=200):
return SPS(n_segments=n_segments,
def make_beam(machine=make_machine(), n_macroparticles=n_macroparticles):
return machine.generate_6D_Gaussian_bunch_matched(
n_macroparticles, intensity, epsn_x, epsn_y, sigma_z)
m = make_machine()
beam = make_beam(m)
sig_x = beam.sigma_x()
sig_y = beam.sigma_y()
slicing_interval = m.longitudinal_map.get_bucket(beam).interval
slicer_sc = UniformBinSlicer(n_slices_sc, z_cuts=slicing_interval)
RMS equivalent KV tune shift due to space charge:
lmbda = intensity * e / (np.sqrt(2*np.pi) * sigma_z)
Ksc = e / (beam.gamma**3 * m_p * (beam.beta * c)**2) * lmbda / (2*np.pi*epsilon_0)
R = m.circumference / (2*np.pi)
def dQ_inc(thissize, theothersize, thistune, Ksc=Ksc):
'incoherent KV tune shift'
return Ksc * R**2 / (4 * thistune * thissize * (thissize+theothersize))
print ('dQ_x = {0:.3f} and dQ_y = {1:.3f}'.format(
dQ_inc(beam.sigma_x(), beam.sigma_y(), m.Q_x),
dQ_inc(beam.sigma_y(), beam.sigma_x(), m.Q_y)))
assert (m.optics == 'smooth')
sc_integration_length = m.circumference / len(m.transverse_map)
sc_node = TransverseGaussianSpaceCharge(slicer=slicer_sc, length=sc_integration_length)
rfsystems = m.longitudinal_map
rfbucket = rfsystems.get_bucket(beam)
zz = np.linspace(*rfbucket.interval, num=1000)
dp_max = rfbucket.separatrix(0)
dpp = np.linspace(-dp_max*1.1, dp_max*1.1, num=100)
ZZ, DPP = np.meshgrid(zz, dpp)
HH = rfbucket.hamiltonian(ZZ, DPP)
plt.scatter(beam.z, beam.dp, marker='.', c=rfbucket.hamiltonian(beam.z, beam.dp),
cmap=plt.get_cmap('coolwarm'), edgecolor='black', linewidths=0.2)
plt.contour(ZZ, DPP, HH, 15, cmap=plt.get_cmap('coolwarm'))
plt.ylim(-dp_max, dp_max)
plt.xlabel('longitudinal position $z$ [m]')
plt.ylabel('momentum deviation $\delta$ [1]');
plt.plot(zz,beam.get_slices(slicer_sc).lambda_z(zz, smoothen=True))
plt.axhline(lmbda, color='red')
plt.text(0, lmbda, r"$\lambda^{max}_{Gauss}$",
horizontalalignment='center', color='red')
plt.ylim(-0.1*lmbda, 1.1*lmbda)
plt.xlabel('longitudinal position $z$ [m]')
plt.ylabel('line charge density $\lambda$ [Coul/m]');
transv_one_turn_map = [el for el in m.one_turn_map if el is not m.longitudinal_map]
n_turns = 128
pmonitor = ParticleMonitor(filename='./pmon_sc', stride=beam.macroparticlenumber // 1000)
Attention, the tracking takes a while:
with contextmanager(beam):
for _ in range(n_turns):
for el in transv_one_turn_map:
Incoherent tune analysis¶
Also the reading of the particle tracking data into memory takes a while:
with h5py.File("pmon_sc.h5part") as pmon:
ids = np.array(pmon['Step#0']['id'])
n_sussix_turns = len(pmon.keys())
id_i = np.array([pmon['Step#{turn}'.format(turn=turn)]['id']
for turn in range(n_sussix_turns)]).T
x_i = np.array([pmon['Step#{turn}'.format(turn=turn)]['x']
for turn in range(n_sussix_turns)]).T
xp_i = np.array([pmon['Step#{turn}'.format(turn=turn)]['xp']
for turn in range(n_sussix_turns)]).T
y_i = np.array([pmon['Step#{turn}'.format(turn=turn)]['y']
for turn in range(n_sussix_turns)]).T
yp_i = np.array([pmon['Step#{turn}'.format(turn=turn)]['yp']
for turn in range(n_sussix_turns)]).T
# if AssertionError: particles among selected ones [:n_particles] got lost!
assert np.all(np.std(id_i, axis=1) == 0)
Qx = m.Q_x
Qy = m.Q_y
randomdir = ''.join('%02x' % ord(x) for x in os.urandom(16))
while os.path.exists(randomdir):
randomdir = ''.join('%02x' % ord(x) for x in os.urandom(16))
cwd = os.getcwd()
qx_i = np.empty(len(ids))
qy_i = np.empty(len(ids))
for p_idx in range(len(qx_i)):
SX = Sussix()
SX.sussix_inp(nt1=1, nt2=n_sussix_turns, idam=2, ir=0,
tunex=Qx % 1, tuney=Qy % 1, istun=[1, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25])
qx_i[p_idx] = SX.ox[0]
qy_i[p_idx] = SX.oy[0]
sys.stdout.write('\rparticle {p_idx} out of {n_particles}'.format(
p_idx=p_idx + 1, n_particles=len(qx_i)))
tunespreadtool to compare the smooth approximation lattice with the real TWISS lattice (dispersion $D_x=0$ removed)¶
tst_inputs = dict(
mass=beam.mass * c**2/beam.charge * 1e-9,
emit_geom_x=beam.epsn_x() / beam.betagamma,
emit_geom_y=beam.epsn_y() / beam.betagamma,
lshape=1,#1.6/1.73,#lshape, # <<< !!!
twiss_filename = "./sps_optics_selected1200.dat"
# SELECTED LATTICE Laslett tune spread analysis
with open(twiss_filename, 'r') as f:
lbls = f.readline().split()[1:]
data = np.genfromtxt(f, unpack=True)
tst_data = {var.lower(): array for var, array in zip(lbls, data)}
# tst_dQ_x, tst_dQ_y = tunespread.calc_tune_spread(tst_data, tst_inputs, True)
tst_data_Dx0 = tst_data.copy()
tst_Dx0_dQ_x, tst_Dx0_dQ_y = tunespread.calc_tune_spread(tst_data_Dx0, tst_inputs, True)
print ("TWISS lattice Gaussian space charge tune spread: dQx = {:.3f}, dQy = {:.3f}".format(
tst_Dx0_dQ_x, tst_Dx0_dQ_y
# smooth approximation
print ("theoretical Gaussian space charge tune spread: dQx = {:.3f}, dQy = {:.3f}".format(
dQ_inc(beam.sigma_x(), beam.sigma_y(), m.Q_x) * 2,
dQ_inc(beam.sigma_y(), beam.sigma_x(), m.Q_y) * 2
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,5))
# resonances = ResonanceLines((np.floor(Qx)-0.008, np.floor(Qx)+0.16),
# (np.floor(Qy)-0.01, np.floor(Qy)+0.3),
# range(1, 4+1), 6)
resonances = ResonanceLines((19.975, 20.525), (19.975, 20.525),
range(1, 4+1), 6)
inc_tunes_x = np.floor(Qx) + np.abs(qx_i)
inc_tunes_y = np.floor(Qy) + np.abs(qy_i)
selected = np.logical_and(np.logical_and(np.floor(Qx) + 0.002 < inc_tunes_x, inc_tunes_x < Qx - 0.002),
np.logical_and(np.floor(Qy) + 0.005 < inc_tunes_y, inc_tunes_y < Qy - 0.005))
print ("All data points selected for plot: " + str(np.all(selected)))
plot_x = inc_tunes_x#[selected]
plot_y = inc_tunes_y#[selected]
# plt.plot(Qx, Qy, 'b*', ms=15, label=r"bare tune $Q$")
# plt.plot(Qx - tst_dQ_x, Qy - tst_dQ_y, 'b*', ms=15, label=r"$Q^{S.C.}$ for $D_x\neq\,0$")
# plt.plot(Qx - tst_Dx0_dQ_x, Qy - tst_Dx0_dQ_y, 'g*', ms=15, label=r"$Q^{S.C.}$ for $D_x=\,0$")
# plt.legend(loc=2, numpoints=1, fontsize=16, labelspacing=0.1).get_frame().set_facecolor("white")
# plt.scatter(plot_x, plot_y,
# marker='o', lw=0.1, alpha=1,#0.3,
# vmin=np.min(z_i), vmax=np.max(z_i), s=35,
# c=z_i[:,-1],#[selected],
# cmap=cmap, norm=norm,
# zorder=10)
# plt.hist2d(plot_x, plot_y, bins=20, cmap=my_l_r, zorder=2, alpha=0.5)
# plt.hist2d(plot_x, plot_y, bins=20, cmap=my_l_r)
# cbar = plt.colorbar()#spacing='proportional', cmap=cmap, norm=norm,
#ticks=bounds, boundaries=bounds)
# cbar.set_label("$z$ [m]")
plt.hist2d(plot_x, plot_y, bins=15,
zorder=2, alpha=0.5, weights=np.ones_like(plot_x)/len(plot_x)*100)
plt.hist2d(plot_x, plot_y, bins=15,
cbar = plt.colorbar()
plt.plot(Qx, Qy, 'b*', ms=15, label=r"bare tunes $(Q_x,Q_y)$")
# plt.plot(Qx - tst_dQ_x, Qy - tst_dQ_y, 'b*', ms=15, label=r"$Q^{S.C.}$ for $D_x\neq\,0$")
plt.plot(Qx - dQ_inc(beam.sigma_x(), beam.sigma_y(), m.Q_x),
Qy - dQ_inc(beam.sigma_y(), beam.sigma_x(), m.Q_y),
marker='*', ls='none', color='red', ms=15, label=r"r.m.s. equivalent KV $Q^{S.C.}$", zorder=10)
plt.plot(Qx - 2 * dQ_inc(beam.sigma_x(), beam.sigma_y(), m.Q_x),
Qy - 2 * dQ_inc(beam.sigma_y(), beam.sigma_x(), m.Q_y),
marker='*', ls='none', color='orange', ms=15, label=r"Gaussian spread reach $Q^{S.C.}$", zorder=10)
plt.setp([::], visible=False)
plt.setp([::4], visible=True)
cbar.set_label('fraction of particles [%]', labelpad=15)
myLocator = mpl.ticker.MultipleLocator(0.1)
# plt.grid()
# plt.xlim(20.2, 20.34)
# plt.ylim(20.24, 20.38)
plt.xlim((19.975, 20.3525))
plt.ylim((19.975, 20.3525))
# plt.xlim((20.15, 20.35))
# plt.ylim((20.2, 20.4))
plt.legend(loc=4, numpoints=1, fontsize=16)
# plt.savefig('tune diagram.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
# plt.xlim((20.22, 20.25))
# plt.ylim((20.22, 20.25))
# plt.tight_layout()
# plt.savefig(directory + 'tune diagram zoom.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
ffts_x = map(np.abs, map(np.fft.rfft, x_i))
ffts_y = map(np.abs, map(np.fft.rfft, y_i))
plt.plot(np.fft.rfftfreq(n_turns), np.sum(ffts_x, axis=0))
plt.plot(np.fft.rfftfreq(n_turns), np.sum(ffts_y, axis=0))
field solving with self-consistent particle-in-cell algorithms¶
from PyHEADTAIL.particles.generators import kv4D, transverse_linear_matcher
from PyPIC.GPU.poisson_solver.FFT_solver import GPUFFTPoissonSolver_2_5D
from PyPIC.GPU.pypic import PyPIC_GPU
# not necessary but nice: memory pool sharing between PyHEADTAIL and PyPIC
from PyHEADTAIL.gpu.gpu_utils import memory_pool
memory_pool = None
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from scipy.constants import epsilon_0
# self-consistent PIC solving for space charge
n_mesh_nodes_pic = 128
n_mesh_sigma_pic = 5
mesh_3d = create_3dmesh_from_beam(beam, [n_mesh_nodes_pic]*2, [n_mesh_sigma_pic]*2,
poissonsolver = GPUFFTPoissonSolver_2_5D(mesh_3d, context=context, save_memory=False)
pypic_algorithm = PyPIC_GPU(mesh_3d, poissonsolver, context=context,
pic_sc_node = SpaceChargePIC(sc_integration_length, pypic_algorithm)
contextmanager = GPU
class State(object):
pypic_state = State()
Gaussian distribution¶
beam = make_beam(m, n_macroparticles=n_macroparticles*100)
with contextmanager(beam):
pic_sc_node.track(beam, pypic_state)
Ex = pypic_state.mesh_e_fields[0].get()
Ex_bunchcenter = Ex[slicer_sc.n_slices // 2, :, :]
def plot3d(x, y, efield, angles=(30, 30)):
XX = x*1e3 # in [mm]
YY = y*1e3 # in [mm]
ey = efield * 1e-3 # in [kV/m]
prev_rcParams = mpl.rcParams.copy()
mpl.rcParams.update( {
'xtick.major.pad': 4,
'ytick.major.pad': 4,
} )
locator = mpl.ticker.MultipleLocator(base=3)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,7))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
s = ax.plot_surface(XX, YY, ey, rstride=5, cstride=5, alpha=0.7,
cmap=plt.get_cmap('coolwarm'), linewidth=0.1, edgecolors='grey', zorder=2)
# s = ax.plot_trisurf(XX, YY, ey, alpha=0.5,
# cmap=cm.coolwarm, linewidth=0.1)
ax.contourf(XX, YY, ey, zdir='z', offset=ax.get_zlim()[0], cmap=plt.get_cmap('coolwarm'), alpha=0.5, zorder=1)
ax.contourf(XX, YY, ey, 10, zdir='y', offset=ax.get_ylim()[0], cmap=plt.get_cmap('coolwarm'), alpha=0.5, zorder=1)
ax.contourf(XX, YY, -ey, zdir='x', offset=ax.get_xlim()[0], cmap=plt.get_cmap('coolwarm'), alpha=0.5, zorder=1)
ax.set_xlabel('$x$ [mm]', fontsize=18, labelpad=15)
ax.set_ylabel('$y$ [mm]', fontsize=18, labelpad=15)
zlab = ax.set_zlabel('$E_x$ [kV/m]', fontsize=18, labelpad=15)
# ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(locator)
# ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(locator)
# plt.colorbar(s)
# plt.savefig('ey.png', bbox_inches='tight')
mpl.rcParams = prev_rcParams
return ax
XX, YY = np.meshgrid(np.arange(mesh_3d.x0, mesh_3d.x0 + mesh_3d.dx*mesh_3d.nx, mesh_3d.dx),
np.arange(mesh_3d.y0, mesh_3d.y0 + mesh_3d.dy*mesh_3d.ny, mesh_3d.dy))
ax = plot3d(XX, YY, -Ex_bunchcenter)
ax.xaxis.set_ticklabels(reversed([u"–10",u"–5","0", "5", "10"]));
# extent = plt.gca().get_window_extent().transformed(plt.gcf().dpi_scale_trans.inverted())
# extent.x1 -= 0.5
# extent.y1 -= 0.2
# plt.savefig('/home/oeftiger/SPS_Ey.pdf', bbox_inches=extent) #'tight')
RMS equivalent KV beam:¶
beam = make_beam(m, n_macroparticles=n_macroparticles * 100)
r_x = 2 * np.sqrt(epsn_x / beam.betagamma)
r_y = 2 * np.sqrt(epsn_y / beam.betagamma)
r_xp = 2 * np.sqrt(epsn_x / beam.betagamma)
r_yp = 2 * np.sqrt(epsn_y / beam.betagamma)
beam.x, beam.xp, beam.y, beam.yp = kv4D(
r_x, r_xp, r_y, r_yp)(beam.macroparticlenumber)
matchor_x = transverse_linear_matcher(
alpha=m.alpha_x[0], beta=m.beta_x[0],
matchor_y = transverse_linear_matcher(
alpha=m.alpha_y[0], beta=m.beta_y[0],
matchor_x(beam, ['x', 'xp'])
matchor_y(beam, ['y', 'yp'])
with contextmanager(beam):
pic_sc_node.track(beam, pypic_state)
Ex = pypic_state.mesh_e_fields[0].get()
Ex_bunchcenter = Ex[slicer_sc.n_slices // 2, :, :]
ax = plot3d(XX, YY, -Ex_bunchcenter)
ax.xaxis.set_ticklabels(reversed([u"–10",u"–5","0", "5", "10"]));
# extent = plt.gca().get_window_extent().transformed(plt.gcf().dpi_scale_trans.inverted())
# extent.x1 -= 0.5
# extent.y1 -= 0.2
# plt.savefig('/home/oeftiger/SPS_Ey.pdf', bbox_inches=extent) #'tight')
print ('Gaussian RMS size: {:.3f}mm\nvs. KV RMS size: {:.3f}mm'.format(
sig_x * 1e3, beam.sigma_x() * 1e3
$~\longrightarrow~$ Gaussian electric field inclination in the bunch centre is double the one of the KV beam (cf. projection)
$~\Longrightarrow~$ Gaussian maximum tune shift must be twice the value of the KV tune shift